SF Logistics Introduces Reusable Delivery Packaging for the First Time at 2018

Apr 11, 2024By Lam

In 2018, the "2nd China E-commerce and Logistics Green Packaging Conference" (referred to as the "Green Packaging Conference") convened in Shenzhen, a collaborative effort between SF Tech and the China E-commerce and Logistics Industry Alliance.

what’s going on here

During the event, Shunfeng Technology addressed several critical issues in green packaging, including "Packaging + Towards the Digital Era" and "SPS Sustainable Packaging Development Philosophy and Ecosystem." Notably, the packaging laboratory underwent a significant transformation, officially rebranding as the SPS Centre. This transition marked a milestone upgrade since SF formed the packaging R&D team in 2013. With the rise of intelligent logistics, the R&D and application of green packaging emerged as focal points for the e-commerce and logistics sectors. The newly upgraded SPS Centre aimed to enhance the exposure of its products and technologies in response to this trend.

A highlight of the Green Packaging Conference was the reintroduction of the Fung-BOX, developed by the SPS Centre. Since 2016, the centre has been dedicated to researching "recyclable" packaging materials, with the release of the Fung-BOX shared recycling box garnering industry attention. Fung-BOX addresses issues associated with disposable packaging, offering solutions for cost-effectiveness, durability, operational efficiency, and resource conservation. It pioneers innovative product structures, such as using zips instead of sealing adhesive paper, making it easy to unseal, foldable, anti-theft, and with internal binding. Furthermore, it enhances special features like waterproofing, flame retardancy, heat insulation, and preservation. Fung-BOX boasts a lifespan of tens to hundreds of uses, maximizing practical value and promoting green recycling practices.

Solved rubik’s cube / gan cube.

Initial pilot project feedback revealed that Fung-BOX maintained a "zero" breakage record, prompting predictions that ten million Feng-BOXes would replace 500 million cartons, 1.4 billion meters of tape, and 2.25 million cubic meters of internal filler. Senior engineer Xiao Gaofei emphasized the significance of recycled packaging for the courier industry, highlighting the SPS Centre's two-year investment in product research and development. He underscored the importance of environmental protection and industry collaboration in establishing standards and promoting sustainable practices.

SF has long been committed to leading environmental protection standards, energy conservation, emission reduction, and fostering a green environment within the logistics industry. Amidst a surge in parcel volumes and packaging consumption, SF prioritizes building a comprehensive green environmental protection system across culture, administration, operations, and production as part of its current CSR initiatives. As the core green packaging R&D and application department under SF Technology, the SPS Centre strives to standardize, reduce, and green the construction of a sustainable ecological chain. Xu Jingmei affirmed the centre's commitment to industry-standard development, waste reduction, and the creation of new social and economic value through collaborative efforts.

With each product and standard developed, the SPS Centre remains focused on addressing industry needs, aiming to reduce waste and contribute to societal and economic progress through industry collaboration and knowledge sharing. This news from 2018 sets the stage for highlighting the industry's evolution and recent developments in the iisoepack blog, providing valuable insights for overseas clients.

iisoepack will continue to bring you more industry insights and cutting-edge solutions. With our rich case experience and collaboration with Shunfeng Logistics, we introduce innovative reusable courier packaging. Stay tuned for our future updates!